Self help has been my most read genre. A lot of the advice overlaps but sometimes you just need to hear it from many perspectives before it sticks. …
Kennedy is a rockstar for a new generation of parents seeking to raise resillient kids with secure attachment styles. Many nuggets in this interview - my main takeaways have nothing to do with parenting: - setting boundaries defines what you are willing to tolerate and have control over. if your kid is doing something that is disruptive, don't just tell them to stop. tell them you're going to stop them if they don't stop. - guilt can be useful to understand when your actions have gone out of line with your values. taking on other people's feelings is not guilt. that's taking responsibility for something that is not yours to take (eg. your mother wanting to come see the kids and you not having time and telling her no. your mom can be upset and you can emphasize with her. but you don't need to take on her sadness). this is where boundaries are useful. visualize other peoples emotions as a physical thing and push them so that they don't come over to your side of the field. no one benefits when you take responsibility for other people's emotion …
Enjoyed this interview - more hang out between two friends talking business advice then anything else. Reminicent of Tim's episodes with Kevin Rose. …
Recently finished Storyworthy by Mathew Dicks, best known for his record 58-time Moth StorySLAM wins. Dicks talks about the elements of a good story. My biggest takeaway: the 5s moment - all stories build up to an inflection point where the hero has a realization that changes their outlook of the world. Everything in the story should serve the purpose of building up to this moment. This is not dissimilar to product market fit (PMF) in the startup world. Your only real job as a startup founder is finding PMF. Anything that is not in service of this does not matter in an early stage startup. …
the failure of the $20 billion Adobe Figma deal sets a stark precedent for potential m&a moving forward. …
Facinating interview with Beff Jezos (Guillaume Verdon), "leader" of the effective accelerationist (e/acc) movement (not to be confused with effective altruism). …
My takeaway from my first million episode with Michael Birch (best known for selling Bebo to AOL for $850M): stick to what works: michael spent his entire career building viral social applications, sometimes copying 80% of the code of a prior project to launch a new business. this is in stark contrast to the state of front end development where there is a new frameworks and shiny technology every month. …
Andrew Rosener is the king of domain brokerage and has closed over $500 million in domain deals in the last two decades. He talks about his random walk towards the domain business and dives into the nitty gritty of the domain brokerage business. …
Kim Scott talks about giving effective feedback based on radical candor. This is a subject that she has written a book about. …
Meditation is meant to stimulate the mind instead of calming it down - this is why it might not be the best thing to do before sleeping. Explore cases of psychosis and mentalk breaks during long meditation retreats. Everything has tradeoffs …
know details and run company like you want to …
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Are we too dependent on frameworks and technologies to do any engineering anymore? Is development just copying and pasting from stack overflow and hoping any errors that arise can be fixed by chat gpt? Are abstractions are sign of progress or a regression for the field? …
How many human hours of labor have gone in to projects that have never seen the light of day? Stocketa did quite well in this regard, actually releasing as a testflight and into the app store. Owner decided to shutdown because they couldn't find reliable data that was affordable and the support burden. …
First time I've actually listened to Jared Kushner. Comes off as thoughtful and competent. …
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northstr metric: what does customer get, business get: what does company get …
No one wants to adopt new product. What will you help people with? How do you lower friciton? …
@arthur-c-brooks …
When do a clump of trees become a forest? When does theseu's ship stop being theseu's ship? When does a cell become a salamander? …
the way to peace is boredom …
Simon is absolutely prolific. Git scraper project is one of my favorite examples of building powerful applications on top of ubiquitous tools (eg. git) …
Cloud Scale = object storage + read/write and cache logic to make it work …