Weekly Review
Brian Balfour: 10 lessons on career, growth, and life — Lenny's Podcast: Product | Growth | Career — Overcast
url: https://www.notion.so/Brian-Balfour-10-lessons-on-career-growth-and-life-Lenny-s-Podcast-Product-Growth-Career--64ac4933dfff43f781ec78cf712d4405?pvs=4
Lesson 1: Inspect the work, not the person.
- Lesson 2: Tell me what it takes to win; then tell me the cost.
- Lesson 3: Problems never end (and that’s okay).
- Lesson 4: The year is made in the first six months.
- Lesson 5: Growth is a system between acquisition, retention, and monetization. Change one and you affect them all.
- Lesson 6: Do the opposite.
- Lesson 7: Use cases, not personas.
- Lesson 8: Solving for everyone is solving for no one.
- Lesson 9: Find sparring partners, not mentors or coaches.
- Lesson 10: 2x+ the activation energy for things that need to change.
Created 2023-10-08T21:43:45.310000, updated 2023-10-15T14:42:54.721000 · History · Edit