Natural Language SQL

Imagine if you could query your knowledge base with SQL.

select n.*, s.*, ... from notion n where n.person = "jonny apples" join slack s on n.person = s.person


Started listening to Lenny's Podcast to get a sense for how great PMs think about product. A question I particularly like is about the speakers favorite interview questions. My recent favorite is from from Laura Modi (Bobbie) - "Teach me something"

My workflow is to listen to podcasts on overcast and then share it to notion if there is something noteworthy. I will add the note in the comments. I recently had a use case of compiling all such interview questions and was looking for a way of extracting this information from notion.

ASIDE: Notion's API has no LIST method for any of its entities, to get documents, you need to use the search API

Looked into pre-built ways of getting the data.

The next step of this project would be to ingest comments, probably by forking the airbyte notion connector. But this was too much of a lift given a passing curiosity so I've settled on recording the progress here.

Really, what I want at the end of the day is a natural language SQL interface over my notion so I can do something like the below:

select '%interview questions%' from notes where title LIKE '%lenny podcast%'


Created 2023-05-16T16:13:32.262000, updated 2023-05-20T17:26:28.177000 · History · Edit