On Logs
What are logs
- logs are one of the pillars of the modern observability stack (the other two being metrics and traces)
- get fine grained visibility into the system
- arguably, logging most important, you can work backwards to traces and metrics from logging
- this is especially true for microservices - more services, more logs
Why log
Main use cases:
- detect errors
- test features
- diagnose customer issues
- incident response
Other use cases:
- derive operational metrics
- derive business metrics (this one is fun if you don't realize its happening)
- performance analysis
- request tracing
Challenges with Logs
- storing
- transport
- archival
- access
- stability
Logging on AWS
Pre 2014
- infrastructure logs go to S3
- application logs had no native solution
- Jul 10, 2014: Launch of Cloudwatch Logs - an AWS native application logging solution
- No real filtering capabilities, to query logs, you still need to use another service (eg. elasticsearch)
- Nov 27, 2018: Launch CloudWatch Logs Insights
- allows exploration and analysis of logs
- Jun 6, 2023: Launch Live tail
- view logs in real time
- believe that logs are made available ahead of cloudwatch logs (?)
DX for (Application) Logs on AWS
Pre 2014
- click through console to get to logs
- piece together cw log insight query
- use case of live debugging made easier with live tail
Created 2023-06-23T04:28:55.155000, updated 2023-06-23T14:26:33.742000 · History · Edit